Saturday, December 02, 2006

Welcome to pknyc! I'm tired of playing stupid games.

Damn, time definitely waits for no man. I've been lax in my studies and just playing it up on my XBox360 with Rainbow Six: Las Vegas.
However after playing multiple hours online and finishing the single player game, I ask you: Why must all games now have open endings?
I mean, the past 3 games I've played on the 360 had open endings, leaving much room for sequels and junk.
Cases in point: Prey, open ending as the American Indian protagonist warps off the Earth to follow parasitic aliens. Gears of War, open ending as well as we find out that not all the Horde are destroyed by the big bomb. (geez, and after all that work) And finally, Rainbow Six: Las Vegas, another open endings where you find, SURPRISE, you've been double-crossed and have yet to apprehend the real bad guy.
What's up with that? Why can't a game just have a nice ending, and not leave me with some lame ass open ending where you have to get the next sequel game in order to follow that damn story.
Curse you all game developers for taking my hard earned school loan money.

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