This seems to be a nice little trick to play on unwelcome (are they ever welcome?) telemarketers who call your phone.
Most Telemarketers use what is called Predictive Dialers, which are PCs with software that dials ever number in a phone exchange until it gets lucky. Now you can use their own technology against them, and it's legal. Here is how their system works: the dialer calls your number, you answer, and you have probably notice the line appears dead after you said, "Hello". What their computer is doing is listening for a short burst of audio, your "HELLO", followed by a period of silence. With this heard, it will log your phone number as valid and transfer the call to an available telemarketer, the reason for the delay before someone comes on line.
So read on and take this
tone of a disconnected line and play it at the beginning of your outgoing message and never fear the telemarketers again.
Yes, you can stop telemarketers