Sunday, July 10, 2005


food show time! the NASFT holds a International Fancy Food Show each year here in new york city at the jacob javits convention center. the show has been around since 1955 and is considered to be the premier event for the specialty food trade. with over 1,000 exhibitors and more than 50,000 specialty foods to sample, it attracts up to 32,000 attendees each year, and i was lucky enough to be one of them.
i cannot express to you, dear reader, how much i look forward to this show each year. honestly, it's better than the auto show, and i love cars. the one thing that trumps the car show is that this is a FOOD show. the exhibits are not of the stationary 'ohh and ahh' variety, no sir. this is a show that envelops the attendee with its sights, sounds, and most importantly, it's taste.
it is an annual event that, in my opinion, cannot be matched. for the true connoisseur of food (and eating), this is one show that should not be missed.
keep in mind, that this is an event. and as events go, some preparations should be made before attending:
  1. wear comfortable shoes. the whole convention center is filled with exhibits and you will be doing alot of walking. your feet will thank you.
  2. bring you appetite. try not to eat too much before going, or else you'll be too full to get past the third aisle of exhibitors.
  3. be cautious if you're lactose intolerant. two of the biggest types of food/drink at the show are cheese and chocolate, so be careful if you can't take the lactose...
  4. know where the bathrooms are. when you enter the convention center, you should get a map or get familiar with your surroundings. you'll be eating and drinking alot so knowing where to go when you have to go is half the battle.
  5. and finally, bring a good attitude. the exhibitors, and all the people at the show, are there to showcase their wares, make some contacts, and network. everyone i've run into is pretty friendly and open to questions or comments about what you're about to put in your mouth.
all in all, it's a great experience and i extend my everlasting thanks to mikey and maria, for allowing me to partake in it for 4 years in a row. (i missed one year due to wrist surgery, but i was lucky enough to receive a food basket... thanks again, maria.)
and hey, more pics to follow...
Fancy Food Show
About the NASFT
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